Herbed Potato Soup

Potato Soup

 According to the latest news report, inflation is cooling down. I guess no one was buying eggs the day they wrote the report… Herbed Potato Soup doesn’t contain eggs, and is downright good stuff, and cheap dinner fare!

I happened to be in the grocery store when they were practically giving away 5# bags of potatoes for 99¢ a bag. All of the ingredients add up to less than 50¢ per serving, and that’s with fresh herbs, whole milk, and butter! The bonus of it all is that it also tastes good!

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Great is My Thankfulness

Harvested Field

There is so much to be thankful for this year. On November 9th the crop was put safely in our bins. The moisture content of our corn and beans were good, and bushel counts were outstanding.

During the growing season there were timely rains and the weather was great for raising grains. During the harvest there were a couple of rains that slowed us down for a few days, but not enough to cause the gnashing of teeth. It was a very dewy summer and fall, but the dew dried off every morning so there was little slow down to our combining. Continue reading “Great is My Thankfulness”

Pepperoni Pizza Pasta Bake

Pepperoni and Pasta in a Bowl

Who doesn’t love alliteration? Well this recipe has that and it tastes great! Did I mention Pepperoni Pizza Pasta Bake is also thrifty? This recipe is a mashup of several different 1970’s recipes.

I added up the cost of the ingredients. With eight large servings, this family friendly and good enough for company recipe comes to less than $1 a serving AND everyone will eat it!

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