Recycling on the Farm and Crescent Beef Stroganoff

FarmStyle CrossFit

Today I took my daily walk a little earlier as a winter storm is going to hit during my usual walk time. While I was walking, I noticed tires dumped into the ditch. What the heck!

Over the decades, various things have been dumped into our farm ditches: trash, lots of beer cans, dogs, cats, tires, appliances, and a car. Yes, a car. It’s a long story that we don’t have time for.

Some of our favorite farm pets came to us from ditch dumps around our farm. Brownie (he was brown) was our first farm dog from the ditch. He was a wonderful pet, who was clever and loved our children.

Our barn became home to many dumped farm cats. All of these animals required a visit to the vet and some attention, but all turned out to be assets to the family and the farm.

Dealing with Ditch Trash

So today, as I was power walking down the road, I came upon semi truck tires in our ditch. After I walked back home, I jumped into the farm car and came back for the tires. They were very strange. Just the sides were dumped. I picked them up and hauled them back to the farm where we will recycle them at a later date. I know CrossFit involves picking up tires. Did I just do CrossFit?

Tires in a ditch

The truth is, some people are just messy and thoughtless. Why would you throw a beer can out your vehicle window? Why would you drink and drive? Why would you dump your clothes dryer in our ditch? Why would you throw five tire sides (why an odd number?) in a ditch for me to pick up and recycle?

Why would you leave a cat or dog on the side of the road?

The good news is all of these items are recyclable. The cans, clothes dryer, and tires can all be recycled properly.

And dogs and cats can also be recycled into your hearts.

Be blessed!

Child with farm cat
Here’s a photo of one of our children with a recycled cat. She also believes in recycled cats and has had two.

Here are photos of our daughter’s two recycled cats.

Cat in Sax Case
Here’s her first cat. He was a wonderful companion.
Rescued siamese cat
Here’s her latest recycled cat. He LOVES being with his new family.

Crescent Beef Stroganoff

After FarmStyle “CrossFitting”, you might want to try this 1970’s Crescent Beef Stroganoff. Just as my form of CrossFit isn’t real, neither is this recipe. But it does combine your family’s love of crescent rolls with some vegetables. If you don’t have fresh mushrooms, canned mushrooms would work too. Make sure you drain them well. This recipe is the same vintage as Vegetable Pizza and is cheap, very simple and feeds many.

Crescent Beef Stoganoff RecipeCrescent Beef Stroganoff

Tools You’ll Need:

  • 9X13 Pyrex baking dish
  • Skillet to brown beef, onions, mushrooms & spices


  • 8 oz refrigerated crescent rolls
  • 1# ground beef
  • ½ C onion, chopped
  • 8 oz sliced mushrooms
  • 8 oz sour cream
  • ½-1 C shredded cheddar


Unroll dough into a 9X13 pan. (I’m enamored with my 9X13 glass-baking dish.) Brown the beef, onions, mushrooms and spices. Add sour cream. Spoon it all onto the dough. Sprinkle cheese and bake 375 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Crescent Beef Stroganoff

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6 Replies to “Recycling on the Farm and Crescent Beef Stroganoff”

    1. Thanks! I hope you try some of the recipes! They come from a long line of farm wives and country and church cookbooks.

    1. Throwing trash into anything other than a trash can is unbelievable to you AND me! I know you pick up after others too!

  1. It really is appalling what we do to our environment! Everyday heroes like you make up for some of the ignorance and apathy. Thanks, Nancy! I think this recipe could be awesome on my daughter’s gluten-free pizza crust. May have to rely on Claire, rather than Rebecca, though, since the latter doesn’t like mushrooms!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I think most farmers want to take care of the land in every way, including cleaning out their ditches. Try the recipe, I think you’ll like it!

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